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Milton Road Primary School

Where Learning is An Adventure

We Are Crew
Courageous Individuals
Responsible Citizens
Excellent Friends
Wise Learners

Useful Websites for Support

Safeguarding Support, Advice and Contacts for Families 24/7


During term time we hope that our families at Milton Road feel they can approach school with any problem which we can work through together confidentially, or at the very least we should be able to signpost you to agencies which can offer further support.


Our Designated Staff (DPs) for child protection are:  Mrs Nina Burton (Safeguarding Lead and Deputy Head) , Mrs Alison Hall (Assistant Head and Inclusion Manger) and Mrs Rachel Snape (Headteacher)

All DPs can be reached on the school number 01223 712333 or by e-mail through the school office:

Support out of school

The school holidays are, of course, for many children and families a high point of the year, but there may be times when the ups and downs of family life get too much and support is needed.  Also, extended periods away from the structure and routine of school life can put some families in crisis. 


Below are some links / phone numbers for families to contact should there be a safeguarding concern about a child or family member at anytime, including during the evenings, weekends and holidays.


If a child / adult is in immediate danger or child left alone, you should contact the police or call an Ambulance (Call 999).  The police operator will need to take your name, address and details of what has happened. This will take time, but it is important they get all of the information from you so that they can send the appropriate resources to you.




You can contact the NSPCC for advice and support on: 0808 800 5000 or for further information you can use the following link:



Childline can be contacted on: 0800 1111 or you can use the following link:



For a mental health crisis you can phone 111 and select option 2, or you can contact the Samaritans. You the link below for more information. 



Details for Cambridge Women's aid can be found using the following link


The National Domestic Violence Helpline number is 0808 2000 247. Further details can be found using the following link.



The NSPCC has really helpful information relating to children being out alone and helping parents to decide whether their child is ok to be out and about on their own or with a sibling or a friend. The following link provides more information.



The NSPCC also has helpful information about children being left home alone. The following link offers further information.



