The Rule of Law
British Values in Action - The Rule of Law
At Milton Road Primary School, we understand that rules, routines, systems and laws have a very important role to play in helping us work, learn and have fun together as well as protecting us. We have a clear and consistent behaviour management system which helps to promote positive behaviour. In turn, our focus on our 4 key CREW values helps to promote a shared school ethos for a calm, confident and courageous learning community.
We have five key agreements that underpin our school rules which help to ensure that not only do things run efficiently and smoothly, but ensure that the school is a positive and safe place for everyone.
These are:
Take care of yourself,
Take care of each other,
Take care of your learning,
Take care of your school, community and world,
Take care for the future.
Our relationships and behaviour policy promotes pro-social behaviours, however, if children make poor choices which break school rules, they are encouraged to reflect on their behaviour during periods of ‘time out’.
In our classrooms we think about and discuss class rules at the start of every academic year and then revisit them at the start of every term, which help to make the classroom a positive place for everyone.
During our RE lessons and our PSHE lessons, we spend time thinking about the idea of rules and laws and the effect that these have on individuals and on society as a whole. The children are supported in developing their understanding of right and wrong through such lessons.
Collective worship/assemblies are used to reinforce key messages about the value and reasons behind laws
Our Young leaders provide sporting activities for the younger children during lunchtime breaks; they help the younger children take part and introduce them to the idea of rules of the game, which help to ensure that the activity is safe and can be enjoyed by everyone.