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Milton Road Primary School

Where Learning is An Adventure

We Are Crew
Courageous Individuals
Responsible Citizens
Excellent Friends
Wise Learners

Admissions to Milton Road and School Tours


Milton Road Primary School is an inclusive community primary school with pupils aged between four and eleven years old. We welcome children from within the catchment area and beyond subject to the availability of spaces.


We are a two form-entry primary school which means that we have two classes in each year group with 30 children in each class, 60 in each year group and a total number of 420 pupils.


As a local authority community school, admissions to Milton Road Primary are handled directly by Cambridgeshire County Council. Any queries from parents should be addressed to the local authority:


We know that selecting a school is one or the most importnat decisions a parent/carer can make. For that reason, we offer a number of tours for Reception Class September starts throughout November and December of the proceeding year. 

School Tours for September Start in Foundation Stage

If you are interested in your child joining our school and would like to arrange a school tour please contact the school office on


Our School Tours take you on a guided tour around our facilities, whihc include meeting our Headteacher, and learning about our currciulum and innovative programs. On our school tours you get a first hand look at our classrooms, library, courtyard, playgrounds, forest school area and more.


Dates for September 2026 tours will be listed on this page from May 2025. 


We look forward to meeting you!


In-Year Applications


For many positive reasons, traditionally schools in Cambridge have a great deal of movement, which means that from time to time, places become available at different year groups at different points in the school year.


We welcome children and families joining us at any point between Reception and Year 6, assuming that a place is available.


We make a point of letting parents/carers know if spaces are available for children and we do this through our newsletter The Weekly Navigator which comes out on a Thursday. Please go to the Events and Newsletter tab to find the latest location to see if there is any current availability and in which year group. If you would then like a bespoke tour of the school, please speak to the Office Manager who will be able to arrange this for you. Please call 01223 712333



Transferring to Secondary School

The partner secondary school for Milton Road Primary is Chesterton Community College.

Early in the autumn term, parents of pupils in Year 6 receive detailed information about all secondary schools together with a preference form. About this time, secondary schools arrange open evenings. Parents are notified of their child’s secondary place towards the end of the spring term. 
