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Milton Road Primary School

Where Learning is An Adventure

We Are Crew
Courageous Individuals
Responsible Citizens
Excellent Friends
Wise Learners

Young Citizens


Milton Road Primary School is very proud to be one of the first organisations invited to be a member of the sponsoring committee for Citizens UK, Cambridge. Citizens UK is the home of Community Organising and it is hoped within the next three years a new Chapter for Greater Cambridge will bring together a number of higher education institutions, religious communities and faith groups, and schools. 


Citizens UK is a people-powered alliance of diverse local communities working together for the common good.

Milton Road’s youth citizens is a group of 14 thoughtful, articulate pupils, who have been elected to be on the organising committee of the young eco-citizens. The job of the youth citizens is to listen carefully to the views of their classmates, and bring their ideas back to the organising committee. Once all the ideas have been gathered from all of the classes, the youth citizens identify one area that they will campaign on.


Ideas Put Forward This Year 


  • Buddy System

  • Road Safety

  • Litter Picking

  • Lost Property Sale

  • Reducing Food Waste

  • Used Bike Swap


Having discussed the ideas together the first campaign that the Eco-Citizens worked on was improving Road Safety around the school. 


Qualities of Eco-Citizens


  • Thoughtful

  • Good at Listening

  • Good at Talking

  • Responsible

  • Collaborative

  • Dedicated

  • Determined

  • Good at Communicating

  • Good at Campaigning

  • Leadership

  • Keen to make the world an even better place 


Citizens UK's Mission


There are three elements within Citizens UK's Mission which align brilliantly with the aims in the North of Milton Road's curriculum compass.  


Develop local leaders. Through the method of community organising, Citizens UK enable communities and local leaders to develop their voice and come together with the power and strategy to make real change.

Strengthen local organisations. The member communities of Citizens UK are deeply rooted in their local areas. Schools, universities, churches, mosques, synagogues, parent groups, health trusts, charities and unions, are important civic institutions which connect every day to the lives of hundreds of thousands of people.

Make change. The work of Citizens UK leads to hundreds of neighbourhood improvements - from zebra crossings outside primary schools to reopening renovated public toilets in cemeteries.

Citizens UK work has led to some of the biggest campaign impacts in the UK, such as the Living Wage with its £1.8 billion of wages won for low-paid workers, or successful campaigns to persuade the Government to stop exploitative lending by capping the cost of credit; or introducing a law to prevent the detention of children for immigration purposes.

Download this Leaflet to Find out More About Citizens UK - Greater Cambridge Chapter
