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Milton Road Primary School

Where Learning is An Adventure

We Are Crew
Courageous Individuals
Responsible Citizens
Excellent Friends
Wise Learners

How to Donate

Your Kind Donations Are Appreciated, Welcomed and Needed!


We are grateful for your donations! 


All donations go towards the children's positive experiences in school or towards specific learning resources. In the past donations have gone towards play equipment in the school play grounds, additional enriching resources for classrooms, class cameras, craft activities, picture books and novels for classrooms, prizes and treats for class parties. We might describe these as "added extras". 


Unfortunately, and this gives us no pleasure in saying so, the reality of school funding at this time is becoming a National crisis. The cost of living, increases in staffing costs, increases in the costs of electricity, gas and other running costs alongside an aging building mean that the actual costs of delivering a high quality education for each child far exceeds the income per pupil that we receive from the Government, creating an annual funding gap of £97,000.


The School and the Governing Body does what it can to generate additional income through Lettings and the PTA, as well as through judiciously and carefully managing the school budget, but the gap remains. 


Anything that parents and carers can donate is hugely appreciated and is an investment towards the high standards of education and the rounded curriculum that we have carefully curated for our children at Milton Road Primary School. 




Please consider a one-off donation or a regular monthly gift so that we can try to make up the shortfall and continue to help make the school experience for our children the best it can be.


Thank you 



School fund:


School fund:
