Useful Information
Dietary requirements/ Medical details
When your child first joins Milton Road parents/carers are asked to complete the admission form which asks for information about your child's dietary requirements and medical details.
If any of these details change please update the school office as soon as possible via
If your child's medical conditions change please read and where necessary complete the 'administration of medications' form and return to the school office. The form can be found at the end of the medicines at school policy available here;
Online Parent Payment system
Milton Road aims to be a cashless school and encourages all parents to use our online payment system; ScoPay. Please contact the school office for a registration letter.
Parents/carers need to use this system to pay for school meals, educational visits, book bags, events and other school activities.
If you have any questions about logging in or using the system please contact the school office via email or or phone on 01223 712333.
Lost Property Policy
Class organisation - class mixing
At the end of every academic year the teaching faculty review provision and a decision is made as to how classes need to be organised to meet the teaching and learning needs of pupils.
Class mixing takes place every year and children and parents/carers find out about their new class and teacher on "Jump Up" day (transition day) in July. Every effort is made to ensure that children are with at least one or more friend in their new class. For more information on class mixing, and why the school takes this approach every year, please take a look at the Class Mixing FAQ
Internet Safety
A leading education and entertainment platform for families have created a comprehensive resource on Child Internet Safety;