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Milton Road Primary School

Where Learning is An Adventure

We Are Crew
Courageous Individuals
Responsible Citizens
Excellent Friends
Wise Learners

Home Learning

Remote Learning Provision – SeeSaw Lessons & Pastoral/Academic Daily Check-ins 


Thank you so much for all of your support for when remote learning provision is necessary. We recognise the considerable challenges this poses and we are so grateful for all that you are doing. Please remember that home learning will look different in every household, so please do not feel undue pressure. No one knows your child better than you and if you feel they (or you!) need a break, please do whatever works best for you.


We recognise that the families in our community are doing an incredible job, juggling so much. We will endeavour to support you to the very best of our ability, so please let us know if there is anything we can do to help. We know your concerns around children learning from home are not just based on children missing out academically but also socially and emotionally.


Furthermore, we recognise that it can be particularly tricky to keep children motivated to work when they are out of the classroom environment and deprived of this social contact with their peers. Contacting other parents and organising a play date or a picnic in the park is a great way to ensure that children have these important opportunities to be with their friends and to develop their pro-social skills. 


Online Safety – Parents/Carers please ensure you have looked at the following resources below and that you carefully monitor what your child is accessing. Ideally the computer should be in a family space and primary children should not be "left to their own devices" including mobile phones.

There are many benefits to the internet for connecting and learning. We want to ensure that everyone in our school community has a positive experience and is familiar with how to keep themselves safe online.


For information on keeping your child safe online you can access the following links:,-apps-and-tech/all

Home Learning in General


Professor Janet Goodall of Bath University, says that parents' active involvement in their child's education has a significant impact on their academic achievement, behaviour and attitude towards school and can have more of an impact on outcomes than the quality of school that a child attends. 


At Milton Road we value parents as "Partners in Learning" and appreciate parents as the child's first teacher. We want to work as closely with you as possible in addition to encouraging you to support your child's learning at home as much as possible. 


Learning at Home takes many forms, reading stories to your child, helping to learn spellings and times tables but the most important activity is talking with your child and allowing them time to learn about the world through walks and visits to interesting places and supporting them to share their thoughts, ideas and opinions. 


To compliment the in-school curriculum teachers will invite children to undertake a variety of activities at home including tasks and projects. In March 2020 Milton Road implemented SeeSaw Learning Platform as a way to communicate with families and to provide teaching and learning opportunities.  We have continued to use this platform and we enjoy seeing all the wonderful outcomes of the children's learning in school and at home! 
