Governor Profiles
Governors are the school's strategic leaders and have a vital role to ensure every child gets the best possible education.
You can contact the Governing Body through the School Office or by emailing:
Richard Wielechowski Chair of Governor
Area Champion - PSHE/RSE
Richard became a governor in October 2018. Having first come to Cambridge as a student, he has lived in the city for over 15 years. Richard works in finance and research and has significant experience appraising corporate strategy and financial performance. He became a governor because of his desire to give something back to the local community and a belief he can help Milton Road Primary School via his financial knowledge. He has a son and a daughter at the school.
Sonia Ilie - Co-opted Governor
Area Champion - Inclusion/SEND & MFL
Sonia has lived in Cambridge for over ten years and now works as a lecturer at the Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge. She researches education inequality and its link to deprivation. She is an evaluation specialist, working to understand what works for improving children’s learning and their progression through education, and to build evidence that schools and teachers can use effectively. She hopes she can use this knowledge in her governor role to help Milton Road Primary School.
Mike Bleazard - Co-opted Governor
Area Champion - Computing
Mike was elected as a co-opted Governor in November 2020. He has two children. His son has already completed his ‘lap' of Milton Road Primary School and his daughter who is now about half-way around. Through his children, he has been actively involved with the school since 2010 including being a parent assistant with the Year 6 Computer Club and along with a small group of other parents, he helped Dr. Catchpool to fund and organise the school's new(ish) IT Suite.
He is keen to help the school to continue improving and providing benefit to our children and our community. He is very keen on life-long education.
He works as an IT System Architect working at FIS (formerly Worldpay). With his 30+ years of I.T. experience and he hopes he can help ready the kids for the inevitably digital futures that await them. He enjoys time with his family, socialising with friends, cycling, hill-walking and exploring new places.
Rosie Humphrey Co-opted Governor
Area Champion - Art & DT
Rosie joined the governing body in January 2021. She began her professional life as a teacher in Cambridge before moving to London and then Cheltenham where she gained management skills. In 2015, she had her first child and returned to Cambridge, enjoying five years of full-time parenting and voluntary work. Rosie now works for Camcycle as an editor and administrator and she is secretary for the board of directors at ACE Nursery School. She volunteered for the governor role in full awareness that the challenges and demands faced by schools have never been greater. She believes strongly that a quality education combines academic achievement with a positive ethos and wisdom for living.
Laura Monk Co-Opted Governor
Area Champion - Child Protection and Safeguarding
Laura Monk joined the Governing Body in 2022. Her son is currently half way through his Milton Road journey. Laura knows how important it is to create a sense of community within a school and appreciates the support that the Milton Road community has provided for her and her family. She is keen to give back as much as possible. Laura has been a primary teacher for over 20 years and has taught across all key stages. She now teaches in an international school in Fulbourn. Laura is passionate about education and has recently taken over as Lead Child Protection Governor at Milton Road.
Dr Matt Butler Co-opted Governor
Area Champion - Science and Pupil Premium
Dr Matt Butler was co-opted as a governor in August 2022 and now sits on the finance committee, is the link governor for Science and has a particular focus on pupil premium funding. He also currently has two children at Milton Road in years 3 and 5 (as of Jan 2023). He has a substantive position working as a consultant physician at the local Addenbrooke's Hospital in Cambridge. Since 2020 he has taken a particular research interest in respiratory infections such as COVID-19 (caused by the SARS-COV-2 virus) in hospitals as well as schools and sits on the Scientific Advisory Group to the CLASS-ACT study, the world's largest randomised controlled trial examining the effect air cleaning has in English primary schools. Prior to becoming a governor, he worked closely with headteachers from across the country helping them to mitigate the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and featured on podcasts via the NAHT as well as on BBC Breakfast alongside Mrs Snape showcasing how we utilised our excellent built environment to protect our children from infections.
Sophie Hare - Copted Governor
Area Champion - Mathematics
Sophie became a co-opted governor of Milton Road Primary School in July 2022. She has 3 children either at or nearly at Parkside. She has worked for over 20 years developing educational programmes and resources for primary and secondary schools. For the last 7 this has been for a maths education and tutoring company as living proof that even the least likely can “do maths”. Sophie moved to Cambridge from London in 2020. In London she was vice chair of the governing body of her children’s primary school. Sophie believes strongly in the vision of the leadership at Milton Road and is keen to ensure that every child makes good progress during their time at primary school.
Priscilla Canizares - Parent Governor
Area Champion - Physical Education
Priscilla joined the learning and teaching governor's committee in January 2023, when her child was in year one. She firmly believes that early education impacts children's future by giving them the tools and confidence to succeed individually and as part of a community---this motivates her to contribute to improving the children's learning experience.
Priscilla came to Cambridge in 2012 after receiving her Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics. During her career, Priscilla has though graduate and undergraduate students. She is currently working at the Turing Institute (London) and Cambridge University (DAMTP, Dpt. Radiology Addenbrooke's Hospital) on developing mathematical tools for clinical imaging.
Mary Williams - Co-Opted Governor
Area Champion - Sports, Games, Sports Premium
Mary Williams has taught at Milton Road Primary School since 2001. Before that she worked in schools in Teeside, Co. Durham and Berkshire as well as other schools in Peterborough and Cambridge. She has taught all primary age groups with the exception of Foundation stage. Over the years, she has been subject leader for PE, History, DT, Geography and Science and particularly enjoys taking the children out on trips and visits.
In the past she has taken on management responsibility for leading KS1, Lower KS2 and Upper KS2 and been part of the ILT in three different schools. She has also had experience leading Assessment and CPD and has worked with the Faculty of Education and acted as mentor for many Newly Qualified Teachers.
She has discovered one of the advantages of having taught in the same school for a number of years, is the relationship she has been able to build with the families of the children. Getting to know the parents through parents’ evenings, PTA events etc. has been very rewarding.
Rae Snape, Headteacher Governor
Area Champion - Pedagogy, Curriculum and School Leadership
Rae has been a head teacher since 2007, formerly at The Spinney Primary School, Cambridge and at Milton Road since January 2020. Rae describes being a headteacher as the best job in the world! Interested in policy and passionate (some might say obsessed) about education, Rae was a member of the Primary Headteachers' Reference Group at the Department of Education for 9 years. Rae has been a system leader since 2014 working as a Local and National Leader of Education and has contributed to several books on education. Rae wrote her first book "The Headteacher's Handbook" which was published by Bloomsbury in August 2021 and is currently writing her second book called "The Curriculum Compendium" which is also for Bloomsbury. . Rae is a conferences speaker talking on the subject of school leadership, to new and aspiring headteachers. Rae is a Fellow of the RSA (FRSA), a Founding Fellow of the Chartered College of Teaching (FFCT) and in October 2021 was delighted to receive an Honorary Degree and Fellowship from The University of Suffolk.
Alison Hall, Staff Governor
Area Champion - SEND, Inclusion, Attendance
Alison has been working at Milton Road Primary School for just over 6 years as Inclusion Manager. She coordinates the extra support given to children to help them to overcome any academic, emotional or social barriers to learning. Before working at Milton Road, Alison was briefly a Year 4 teacher at St Paul's Primary School here in Cambridge and prior to that she worked at a school in Manchester for ten years where she was a class teacher and also Special Needs Co-ordinator. Alison has also been a parent at Milton Road for over 10 years, with children at University and Chesterton Community college. She hopes to represent the views of the teaching and support staff to the governing body and also to offer an insight into the day to day practicalities of life and learning for the children at school.
The Committees
The governing body sets the remit and focus for the following committees:
Teaching and Learning Committee
Resources Committee
Head Teacher Performance Management Committee
Pay Committee
Governors are assigned to Committees, but there is an open invitation to all Governors to the Teaching & Learning Committee and the Resources Committee Meetings. The Head Teacher sits on all the main committees. Governors share collective responsibility as a governing body and individual governors will act as champions for particular areas.
The Governors meet regularly to review the work of these committees and evaluate the school’s overall effectiveness.
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