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Milton Road Primary School

Where Learning is An Adventure

We Are Crew
Courageous Individuals
Responsible Citizens
Excellent Friends
Wise Learners

Curriculum by Subject - Programmes of Study & Assessment

You can find out more information about our currciulum design and pedagogy by visiting our Currciulum Design page 

Curriculum Implementation 


The National Curriculum, Programmes of Study and the Milton Road Curriculum

There are fourteen curriculum subject areas that are taught as part of the statutory national curriculum offer to children in our school.


The school ensures it meets the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum which sets out the skills, knowledge, understanding and expected levels of achievement to be acquired in each subject at Key Stage 1 (Years 1–2) and Key Stage 2 (Years 3–6). The core subjects are: English (reading and writing), Maths, and Science.


Our approach to the curriculum, including through assemblies (No Outsiders), the teaching of English, History, Geography, Relationship and Health Education and Religious Education ensures that we comply with the duties in the Equality Act 2010, teaching of Fundamental British Values and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014 in order to make the curriculum accessible for those with disabilities or special educational needs


The statutory National Curriculum subjects, along with other aspects of our curriculum such as educational visits, assemblies, and special events contribute to a holistic and enjoyable learning adventure which develops the personal, social, academic and moral development of our pupils. Another way to articulate our holistic curriculum is that it is one which develops heart, hand, head and hope for our pupils. 


How this is achieved is shown here:



At Milton Road, we ensure a high quality of teaching and learning with opportunities for children to practice their skills and develop and retain knowledge. Where necessary in order to bring  quality and depth to our teaching, we operate a blocking system where several objectives may be covered within the space of a single lesson or even a whole day / half a day solely focused on one curriculum area.

For example, several music objectives can be met within the space of one longer session, meaning that music need not be discreetly taught in the following week. This allows us to cover all of the required objectives for each foundation subject in a flexible and practical way, without compromising on quality of education.

Beneath the summary statements relating to the different curriculum areas, presented below, are links to the school curriculum for each of our year groups. The information shows how we organise and deliver the curriculum across the school, as well as providing some of the pedagogy and research behind these arrangements. These documents are revised and iterated as the year progresses and the curriculum developed and adapted.  Our governing body are key stakeholders in the strategic work of our school. Each governor is a subject champion for one area of the curriculum, making links with their respective subject leader. Governors meet with subject leaders on a regular basis to monitor the effectiveness of the subject leaders strategy. Subject leaders also write regular updates that are shared with governors through the Self Evaluation report that goes to governors at the Full Governing Body meetings. 

You can also find links to the revised National Curriculum and the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum which form the basis of our planning. 


Phonics and Early Reading - Phonics Champion Ms Scarafile (EYFS Leader)

Our ambition, at Milton Road, is that every child will leave our school able to read and with the skills required to interpret and work with a range of texts. We aim to create a love of reading in all pupils, regardless of their background, needs, interests or abilities.


Our aim is for every child to become a fluent, confident reader by the time they leave our school.  As well as reaching age related expectations, we want children to develop a love for reading and read for pleasure on a regular basis for the rest of their lives. Our broad-based curriculum is designed around the needs of the pupils in our school to enable them to make good, accelerated, or better progress.


We believe teaching every child to read is so important, we have a Reading Leader, closely supported by the English Team, who drives the early reading programme in our school. This person is highly skilled at teaching phonics and reading, and they monitor and support our reading team, so everyone teaches with fidelity to Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised programme. This is supported with the Big Cat Reading Scheme which is matched to the children's phonic ability. 


    English - English Champion - Ms Etienne (Y5 Teacher)


    Effective composition involves articulating and communicating ideas, and then organising them coherently for a reader. This requires clarity, awareness of the audience, purpose and context, and an increasingly wide knowledge of vocabulary and grammar. Writing also depends on fluent, legible and, eventually, speedy handwriting.

    We seek to provide a range of exciting and engaging opportunities for children to develop their writing skills. This involves writing across the curriculum, so that children become effective written communicators.


    Please see the English policy below for a more comprehensive overview of our curriculum intent and implementation. 



    The act of communicating using the spoken word is foundational to learning, not only in English but in all areas of the curriculum. At Milton Road we foster talk-rich, dialogic environments which support children to articulate their ideas, develop their understanding of a topic and engage with others through spoken language. We know that learning is a community endeavour and is best approached in communion with others. To do this effectively, children must be taught the foundational skills of speaking and listening from the moment they come to school. The importance of this is reflected in the EYFS framework, in which speech and language underpin all areas of development in the curriculum. As children move through the school, they will be given opportunities to practice spoken language in a variety of formal and informal settings. Having been "empowered through spoken language to better understand themselves, each other and the world around them", our aim is that when children leave Milton Road they have "found their voice to succeed in school and life" (Voice21). 

    Reading - Reading Practice and Reading for Pleasure 

    Through the delivery of high-quality teaching of reading, we seek to develop children’s competence, confidence and enjoyment of reading. Our goals are:

    • For children to become confident, independent readers who are able to enjoy reading for pleasure.
    • For children to be able to read independently and to be able to follow personal interests and use their research skills to extend their knowledge and understanding.
    • To provide a wide range of high-quality texts, both fiction and non-fiction to support children’s reading development.

    The foundational skills of reading begin in EYFS and are built upon up to Year 6. By the time children leave Milton Road Primary School, they will have been exposed to a wide range of current, high-quality literature (including poetry and non-fiction), as well as classic literature at an age-appropriate level.


    Please see the attached policy for more information.

    Mathematics - Maths Champions Mr Williams and Mrs Williman 

    We aim to ensure that all pupils become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics; can reason mathematically and can solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of routine and non-routine problems. Mathematics  is broken down into seven strands: counting and understanding numbers; knowing and using number facts; calculating; understanding shape; measuring; handling data; using and applying mathematics.


    We believe that the acquisition of mental maths strategies, problem solving and discussion are central to learning and teaching in mathematics. Opportunities for the use and development of mathematical skills are continually explored in all subject areas and will include the outdoor environment.

    Science - Science Champions Mrs Spelzini

    We believe that high-quality science education provides the foundations for children for understanding the world around them. Children should be taught essential aspects of the knowledge, methods, processes and uses of science.


    Through building up a body of key foundational knowledge and concepts, children should be encouraged to recognise the power of rational explanation and develop a sense of excitement and curiosity about natural phenomena. We seek to encourage them to understand how science can be used to explain what is occurring, predict how things will behave, and analyse causes.

    History - History Champion Ms Bennett 


    The aim of history teaching at Milton Road is to stimulate the children’s interest and understanding about the life of people who lived in the past. We want our children at Milton Road Primary School to understand that history is the narrative of the past. They will understand that history is not the story, it is many, many stories told by different people from different perspectives at different times.  By learning about the past, they can better understand the world they live in today and make informed decisions that will shape the future.


    It is our intention that our children will leave Milton Road Primary School being able to ask critical questions that enable them to have a better understanding of the society in which they live and that of the wider world. Importantly, through studies of different cultures and historical perspectives, Milton Road children will be more able to show respect, tolerance and empathy. The children will leave the school in year 6 having a good chronological understanding and good substantial knowledge of the areas of history they have studied, and they will be able to articulate how one time period links to and often influences another. This will move beyond the idea of history as ‘information’ and in to an understanding that history is constructed from a range of ideas, sources, evidence to form that interpretation.


    They will understand that our past is constructed from a range of sources and they will be able to determine the validity of these sources and use them to interpret the past. Furthermore, they will have an understanding of abstract concepts and give examples of events in the past that demonstrate these (e.g. empire, democracy, nation, authority). Children will be equipped with historical skills and knowledge that will enable them to be ready for the curriculum at Key Stage 3 and for life in the wider world.

    Geography - Geography Champion Ms Bennett

    When teaching Geography, our aim is to inspire children's curiosity and fascination about the world and its people - its places, cultures and lives - so that this remains with them for the rest of their lives. We strive to develop and deepen their geographical knowledge, understanding and skills, for them to use and apply these thoughtfully to the benefit of themselves and others, having care for the Earth and its people, whoever and wherever they are.  Supported by an understanding of the forces that shape the Earth, we aim for our children to be principled in their actions, to sustain and enhance environments, places and lives, as people, as citizens and as stewards of our world.


    To this end, children explore the natural world and the way humans live in it, affect it and change it. Emphasis is placed upon geographical skills, such as the study of maps and plans, investigation and observation in field study work and the use of geographical language. Children learn where geographical features are located and how to find them on maps, how and why these features change over time, how to care for the environment and how it is affected by natural and human forces. As they progress, children deepen their understanding of the interconnections and interdependency between people, animals and the earth.


    We make meaningful links with other areas of the curriculum but also believe that children should see Geography as a subject in its own right with its own body of disciplinary skills and knowledge.

    Music - Music Champion Mrs Lane

    ​Children are given opportunities both to compose music and to perform it. We aim to develop and extend the children’s musical experiences, so they become attentive, discriminating listeners and enthusiastic music makers. Where possible, listening to, composing and performing music is closely linked to class topic work.


    A wide variety of musical activities and resources are provided, including the use of ICT music programmes, electronic keyboards and a range of percussion instruments which involve children individually, in groups, as a whole class and as a school. Pupils throughout the whole school take part in the preparation and performance of a dramatic/musical production on at least one occasion in the year.

    Computing - Computing Champions Mrs Williman and Mr Williams

    ​Computing is concerned with how computers and computer systems work, and how they are designed and programmed.


    We support children in gaining an understanding of computational systems of all kinds, whether or not they include computers. Children are taught the principles of information and computation, how digital systems work and how to put this knowledge to use through programming. Building on this knowledge and understanding, children are equipped to use information technology to create programs, systems and a range of content. We believe that computational thinking provides insights into many areas of the curriculum, and influences work in a wide range of disciplines.

    Design and Technology - DT Champion Ms Scarafile

    At Milton Road Primary School,  children explore a range of techniques, as part of design and technology, including learning how to use tools safely and effectively. They investigate the use to which a variety of materials and products (including fabrics and food) can be put. They use this knowledge and understanding to design, make and evaluate their own products, including the preparation of a variety of cooked foods.


    A voluntary contribution of £5.00 per child is requested each term to help cover the cost of materials used during the course of the year. We particularly welcome parent helpers in this curriculum area.

    Art and Design - Art and Design Champion Ms Boyd

    Children experience and explore a variety of forms of art, craft and design, using a range of materials and processes, such as painting, collage, print making, digital media, textiles and sculpture. Alongside the acquisition of technical skills, creativity and free expression are promoted and celebrated through the use of displays around the school.
    Children are encouraged to value and develop a critical response to their own work and that of others, including modern day artists as well as those from different periods and cultures. In addition to books and prints, access to these works of art is gained by visiting museums, art galleries and websites.


    We follow the full primary AccessArt curriculum.

    Physical Education - Physical Education Champion Mrs Williams 


    We believe that Physical Education, experienced in a safe and supportive environment is vital and unique in it's contribution to pupils' health, as well as their physical and emotional development. Physical activity concerns the development of physical skills alongside the practice of social and intellectual skills. We feel that high quality PE can raise standards across the curriculum. In addition, PE provides an opportunity for children to develop certain interpersonal skills which future relationships may be based on.


    The skills of gymnastics, games and dance are taught and progressively developed throughout the whole school. At Key Stage 2, swimming, athletics and adventurous outdoor activities are also included.

    All children are encouraged to evaluate and improve their own performance, to understand the importance of keeping fit and to take responsibility for working  safely. As well as promoting a healthy lifestyle, the PE curriculum is important for the development of the School Games Values of: determination, passion, honesty, respect, self-belief and teamwork.

    In our school children also have the opportunity to take part in a range of extra-curricular sports clubs, enabling them to develop skills and try out new activities. We are always pleased to hear from parents who have coaching skills and can help with training.

    Religious Education - Religious Education Champion Mrs Baucher-Webb

    Religious Education is the study of the principal religions represented in the UK – primarily: Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism and Buddhism.


    RE explores the themes of religious people, places, writings, worship, festivals, as well as the concepts of self and community. We seek neither to impose religious beliefs on children, nor to compromise the integrity of their own beliefs. RE aims to develop in children an understanding of the influence of beliefs, values and traditions on individuals, communities and cultures. We seek to foster tolerance, empathy and sensitivity towards the beliefs and traditions of others. Any parent considering withdrawing their child from all or part of RE and assemblies should discuss this with the Headteacher.

    Languages - Languages Champion - Mrs Lane

    Children will be given the opportunity to study a modern, foreign language and develop their interest in the culture of other nations.
    The children in Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 develop their understanding of different languages through song, rhymes and stories. Year 4 learn French through storytelling, continuing to concentrate on developing oral fluency and intercultural understanding. Years 5 and 6 learn French in preparation for their transition to secondary school. They concentrate on speaking and literacy skills, as well as developing awareness of France and other French speaking countries.

    PHSE (Personal Health and Social Education)

    RSE (Relationships and Sex Education) - 

    PHSE and RE Champion Mrs Lawrence 

    At Milton Road we believe that PSHE underpins all that we teach and is supported by our School Values 'We are CREW'.


    As a medium sized school in central Cambridge our families come from a wide range of backgrounds which means that we have a mix of cultures and religions represented in school. This enables our children to respect others from backgrounds or families that may be different from their own.


    We use the Cambridgeshire Personal Development Programme to ensure that the statutory elements of the curriculum are covered and our school values give us a constant frame of reference for ways to conduct ourselves and build relationships.  


    By the time children leave Milton Road we aim that they know how to keep themselves safe, happy and healthy so that they are prepared for life and work in modern Britain.

    We teach our children that they will most likely face difficult situations in their lives. We teach them how to develop resilience, to manage risks, to know how and when to ask for help, and to know where to access support. Through age-appropriate teaching, we aim to prepare them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life.


    We would like them to understand how they can contribute to the community and find ways to participate and recognise that they are custodians of their growing and developing minds and bodies, taking on ever more responsibility for looking after themselves.


    As well as providing a rigorous taught curriculum, we provide many further opportunities for Personal Development such as performances, concerts and sports events, fund-raising events, Young Leaders, reading buddies, counselling for those who may need it, restorative approaches to behaviour, visit from local MP and visits to local places of worship.


    The progression of vocabulary is covered in the frameworks below.

    Early Years Foundation Stage - EYFS Champion Ms Scarafile


    At Milton Road Primary School, we offer an ambitious curriculum designed to give all children the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life. We work hard to provide a stimulating indoor and outdoor environment that provides exciting opportunities, promotes challenge, enthuses curiosity to provide the foundations of a real love of learning. We want our values to be at the heart of our children’s education, as it is our intent that all children develop physically, verbally, cognitively and emotionally in an environment which values all cultures, communities and people. We know that early year’s education is pivotal in providing the knowledge, skills and attitudes they need to succeed when transitioning into KS1 and throughout their education.


    It is our intention that teaching is designed to help children remember what they have been taught and how to integrate new knowledge into larger concepts, making a difference to long-term memory. We do this by planning an ambitious and sequenced curriculum which is fluidly taught within a blocking system, so we are able to respond to the specific needs of children to promote their interests when they arise.

    Our practitioners know that “every child is a unique child, who is constantly learning”. Therefore conversations are important, vocabulary is enhanced and children’s time is valued.

    As guided by research, we ensure that children get a mix of adult directed learning and child-initiated play. The curriculum is carefully planned and equal importance is given to the classroom and outdoor learning environment. A range of open ended activities, closed opportunities and focussed activities promote curiosity, and growth alongside their peers and practitioners.

    The children use digital learning journals to record ‘their voice’. Sharing their active learning opportunities and successes with practitioners and family members at home. At Milton Road, we recognise that building a relationship with families and the community is key. Therefore educational visits are planned and families are invited to take part in their child’s learning journey to enhance our offer.  

    All transitions are carefully planned so children are able to be confident and independent learners within a structured, supportive environment.


    Our curriculum meets the needs of all our children, including our disadvantaged pupils and those with SEND. Every member of staff uses a mixture of formative and summative assessments which inform professional dialogues within the staff team and feedback to parents.  We use this information on a weekly basis to plan learning experiences and next steps so that the knowledge and skills are built cumulatively.   

    Evidence of children’s learning including observations, work samples, photographs and any contributions from parents are uploaded to the child’s digital learning journal. Children use to reflect on whilst at home and school. We believe our high standards are due to the enriched play-based exploration, quality first teaching and the rigour of assessment as the children move through their reception year. A rich diet of balanced learning experiences is undoubtedly the best way to develop happy, curious children. 


    Digital Pedagogies - Ms Smith


    At Milton Road we endeavour to prepare children for the modern digital age so that they are equipped to use digital technology skillfully and safely. We also optimise the use of digital technology to ensure close connectivity with our parent/carer community by providing regular photos and updates of their child's learning adventures at school each day via our learnring platform SeeSaw.

    We also ensure that children receive the highest level of support for closing attainment gaps and extending our most confident learners through our personalised digital resource, Century which has been developed by teachers and neuroscientists and uses artificial intelligence to tailor itself to each individual child's learning needs. 

    Subject Monitoring - Deep Dives


    Once subject documentation is in place, the next focus for subject champions is to ensure there is fidelity to the implementation of their subject as it has been documented with a focus on high quality teaching, high standards and excellent pupil outcomes. The school's Monitoring, Evaluation, Recording and Reporting Policy includes how subject leaders should monitor their subject and the activities they should focus on. Once monitoring and evaluation has taken place. this is reported back to colleagues and reviewed to include e.g. opportunities for further training, additional peer support or wider sharing of good practice. This supports the school's professional ethos as a learning community. 



    Subject Monitoring - "Deep dives" gather evidence of the curriculum within a certain subject, to build an understanding of the curriculum in the school as a whole. They encompass a range of activities, including:


    • talking about the curriculum with teachers
    • visits to lessons
    • observation of environments
    • work scrutiny
    • talking to and observing pupils 
    • evaluation of pupil data and assessments

    Subject Monitoring Form
