Our Values & Ethos - #WeAreCrew
Our School Values
Milton Road Primary School is proud to be a research informed and values based school. Dotted around our school as posters as well as on our letter head, children and grownups will see our core school values. These are Courage, Responsibility, Excellence and Wisdom and these align with our holistic curriculum design set around the four points of the compass. Although we have four core values, there are many values that underpin the sort of community we are, these values include kindness, creativity, empathy, curiosity, confidence, respect, citizenship and social justice. Our values including our four core values shape the way we work together as a community, and help us to be the very best that we can be!
We are CREW - Courage, Responsibility, Excellence, Wisdom
The image above of everyone in the same boat is displayed in classrooms and around the school and reinforces a central idea of our shared ethos. We are crew not passengers.
Everyone has unique talents and skills and everyone has a part to play in making our school a happy, healthy and brilliant place to work, learn and have fun. Our pedagogy at Milton Road is inspired by many educationalists including the work of Ron Berger and EL Education.
Being part of crew, whether as a child or an adult encourages a strong sense of belonging and accountability (for our social behaviours and actions as well as our scholastic and creative endeavours) which leads to personal and collective growth. #WeAreCrew
A crew could be a small group of children e.g. five children in a reading groups, it could be a group of about fifteen children working collaboratively together, it could be the whole class, the staff body, or the whole school. Colleagues and children work, learn and develop their pro-social skills in crew. The size of the group promotes psychological safety and dialogic learning and ensures everyone is heard and is able to contribute. Crucially, we want parents/carers to feel that they are also part of the crew, supporting the children's learning, helping the school and being part of its journey. If you have skills or talents that you can share, please let your child's class teacher know. If you can help with listening to readers, gardening in the pods or in the kitchen garden, we would love to hear from you. If you have ideas for activities and fundraising, or just want to be part of the PTA Crew, we want you on board!
Our Take Five Agreements
At Milton Road Primary School rather than a list of rules and bi-laws, we have a set of sustainable agreements that are there for everyone in the school community. There are only five of these to remember and only as many as can fit into one hand! These are displayed in classrooms and are revisited at the start of every term so that the children can think about practical ways in which they can realise the Take 5 Agreements.
Please take a look at our agreements and talk about them with your child and family.
1. Take care of yourself
2. Take care of each other
3. Take care of your learning
4. Take care of your school, community and world
5. Take care for the Future
These Take 5 Agreements align with the school's Behaviour and Relationships Policy.