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Milton Road Primary School

Where Learning is An Adventure

We Are Crew
Courageous Individuals
Responsible Citizens
Excellent Friends
Wise Learners

Region of Learning - Digital Credentials for your Professional Journey


Milton Road is very proud to have been one of the founding institutions behind Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Region of Learning


As a Learning Provider, when colleagues or volunteers at Milton Road Primary School complete training with us (either through on -the-job training or through a formal training session), they are awarded Digital Badges which recognise the knowledge, understanding and transferrable essential global skills that have been earned. You can find out more about what is on offer at Milton Road Primary School HERE.


Our approach to collecting digital credentials for adult learners reflects the same pedagogic vision that we have for our younger learners, through our Cambridge Connected Curriculum. 


Currently Milton Road Primary School offers eight badges, however, we are looking to offer more in due course. 


Our Available Badges are 


  • Induction - this covers basic orinetation and understanding of the school, including health and safety and child protection safeguarding for volunteers 
  • Volunteering - for volunteers working under the supervision of teachers and other staff members to 
  • Work Experience - awarded to work experience students or college students on placement 
  • Onboarding - for colleagues who will be substantive members of our CREW
  • Safeguarding and Child Protection - a two and a half hour workshop for colleagues, partners and volunteers
  • Health and Safety - understanding of the policies, procedures and systems that are in place, the associated duties and who to speak to
  • Employers Duty to Prevent the Sexual Harassment of Staff - undertanding of the role that empoloyers have to protect their employees
  • School Governance Leadership - for community, parents and staff governors who have served as School Governors



In the Pipeline


  • Little Wandle - for colleagues who have completed the 6 hour online training
  • Little Wandle Enhanced - for colleagues with a minimum of one year's experience of deivering Little Wandle and who have received coaching and ongoing professional development. 
  • Subject Champion - for colleagues leading a subject and who are proactively monitoring, and reviewing practice that leads to improvement in teaching and leanring across the whole school


Please let us know if there are other badges that you think we should be offering. 


Issuing of Badges


Once colleagues or volunteers have completed training, they will be emailed with the Digital Badge that has been awarded. To ensure that these digital badges are saved efficiently Colleagues and Volunteers will need to make an account with Badge Nation by signing up at this link HERE.


Please speak with the Headteacher Mrs Rae Snape or with Mrs Napper if you have any questions or require any assistance. 
