Individual Liberty
British Values in Action - Individual Liberty
At Milton Road Primary School, children are supported and encouraged to speak with courage, openness and honesty and to say what is on their minds and what they are feeling, as long as it is appropriate including giving due regard to the feelings of others. We encourage our children to make Wise choices, and we work hard to ensure that they feel confident to do this through providing a safe and supportive environment. In turn, we encourage all children to develop their skills, interests and ideas by providing a broad, balanced and engaging curriculum.
Children are encouraged to know, understand and exercise their rights and personal freedoms and are supported in how to exercise these safely, for example through e-safety learning, PSHE and collective worship/assemblies.
Our relationships and behaviour policy (based on a trauma informed approach) promotes pro-social skills, self and co-regulation.
We also promote a clear anti-bullying message and work hard to create a positive whole school culture through our CREW ethos. This is supported by our annual Cool to Be Kind week. (National Anti-Bullying Week)
We regularly seek the views of stakeholders in the school, providing opportunities for their voice to be heard. This is achieved through pupil-voice interviews and questionnaires, as well as through such things as parent/carer questionnaires.