PE & Sport Premium

Sport Premium funding was announced by the government in March 2013. The funding is only to be spent on PE and sport, and goes directly to schools who will decide what is best for their children’s needs with the aim of improving the quality of provision in every state primary school in England. This could vary from specialist coaching and teacher training to dedicated sports programmes, Change4Life sport clubs and support for competitions.
For the school year 2023-24, here at Milton Road Primary School we received £19,540 , which, in accordance with DfE guidance, we will continue to channel directly into developing the provision of high quality Sports throughout the school. Due to the continuing impact of Lockdown there was also a small carry forward.
This year Sports Premium spending went towards 4 main areas:
1. Employing a Teaching Assistant to act as KS1 Playleader at Lunchtimes and to support children who find PE difficult.
2. Use of coaches working alongside teachers as the main source of CPD as this has proven in the past to be the most effective type of training.
3. Children taking part in inter school competitions – including those less active, with low self-esteem, and lacking confidence.
4. Updating and adding to playground markings.
We have put together a plan for the £19,540 for the academic year September 2024-25.
£10,000 – KI 1 - The engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity – employment of TA to take on the role of KS1 play leader, work with teachers/coaches in PE lessons, accompany children to competitions and run Fit for Life club
£2,000 - KI 2 - The profile of PESSPA being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement – establish a Sport squad, Young leader training, monitoring of PE teaching, athlete visit
£2,000 - KI 3 - Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport – continuing use of coaches, orienteering experience day
£2,500 - KI 4 - Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils – including top -up swimming for any non swimmers inY6 and purchase of spare PE kits and trainers for children unable to afford them.
£3,000 - KI 5 - Increased participation in competitive sport – supply, transport, entry fees, kit