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Milton Road Primary School

Where Learning is An Adventure


The Governing Body

A Committed and Talented Team of Governors

Every school has a governing body, whose role is similar to that of the board of a company or the board of trustees for a charity.  Governors, which includes the headteacher are the strategic leaders of schools and have a vital role to play in ensuring every child gets the best possible education.  Governing bodies have a statutory role and responsibility to support & challenge the school to raise academic achievement and promote pupil welfare.  

Governors support, encourage and challenge the headteacher and staff.  

Their core strategic functions are:

  • ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction,
  • overseeing the headteacher's capability to manage and lead,
  • overseeing the school's educational and financial performance.


Governing Body Committees

The Milton Road Primary School Governing Body has four Committees;

  • Teaching & Learning
  • Resources
  • Headteacher Performance Management (HTPM)
  • Pay


Two committees meet regularly twice a term. Theses committees have a specific focus on different aspects of the work of the school. Outcomes, discussions and actions from the two committees feed into the full governing body meetings which also take place twice a term. 


These committees are: 


The Teaching and Learning Committee - this monitors a number of areas including the curriculum, safeguarding, standards, and curriculum policies. The Chair of this committee is Sonia Ilie 

The Resources Committee - this monitors the finances, the resources, including human resources, safeguarding and health and safety. The Chair of this committee is Mike Blizzard.


Names of Governors, Designation and Terms of Office



The Headteacher presents a report at each Full Governing Body meeting, commenting on the life of the school in general and the progress that is being made in relation to the targets laid out in the school’s development plan.​​


Governor attendance at the FGB meetings are recorded in the document below.


You can contact the Chair of the Governing Body, Richard Wielechowski via;


Milton Road Primary School

Ascham Road



