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Milton Road Primary School

Where Learning is An Adventure




We are grateful for your donations!

Please consider giving what you might usually spend at PTA events.


In past years the PTA has funded playground equipment, the classroom SMART boards and a host of smaller requests from the school – from bean bags for reading nooks, to cameras. This year, as well as putting on events, we will be funding a school-wide maths scheme and a new phonics scheme.


Covid restrictions have seen our events turnover halve from the 2018-19 to the 2019-20 school year and there is, as-yet, no prospect of running our usual events moving forward. In the last school year, you (via the PTA) donated over £35k to the school. Assuming, with some optimism, that we could run events from the spring, we could hope to raise only about a third of this amount.

Please consider a one-off donation or a regular monthly gift so that we can make up the shortfall and continue to help make the school experience for our children the best it can be.


Last updated: November 2020



School fund:
